Advisor :
- Dr. H. Muh. Yahya, M. Pd
- Matius Tinna Sarira
- Rosmila. SE
Tour Leader
Muh. Yusuf
Miftahul Jannah
Participant :
All of student UPW 3B
Vendor : Pt. Mitra Selaras
Driver : Pak Ato

Assalamualaikum earahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hello welcome back in my second story, for the first let me introduce my self my name is NINA AMALIA AMAN from Makassar tourism polytechnic majoring Tour and Travel business and now I will storytelling about my Nature field trip in Toraja Regency.
Lets Start it …..

For the first day we are gathered in Makassar Tourism Polytechnic for absension and loading the baggage lead by tour leader. Next we are heading to kupa beach restaurant in Barru regency for lunch. After lunch going to Bambapuang in Enrekang for Coffe break. And than we are arrive in Toraja Regency.

And than heading to Indra Hotel in Toraja Regency for check in and prepare for dinner in Ayam Penyer Ria Restourant in Toraja and get a little instruction from advisor and tour leader. After that we are going back to Indra Hotel for Take a Rest.

On the second day we are breakfast in indra hotel restaurant and than prepare for doing soft tracking.

After heaving breakfast at the hotel we are drive to Timenbayo exploring the nature of toraja, and heaving local food at Batutumonga Mentirotiku Restourant.

After having lunch drive for lempo to start the second tracking and than in tracking we get more than we now and more than we saw like about Tedong Bonga, Tare Tree,  Tongkonan House and Beautiful View In Toraja Regency. After enjoy yhe soft tracking we are going to visit Lombok Natural Grave in toraja who has there is no hand made of people like Lemo and Londa.

After that we are drive to silk weaving centre at Todi in there we get knowledge about weaving speciali from the people of Toraja Regency. And than we are back to hotel, and than directly go to the Aras Restourant this is One Of Famous Restourant In Toraja Regency, in there we ger Dinner, sing a song and have fun together and the next we are back to hotel and get a little evaluation from the Advisor and Tour Leader and back to individual rooms for Over Night.
On the Third Day
In the morning we are breakfast in Indra Hotel Restourant and prepare for back to Makassar Tourism Polytechnic but before that we are going to Kaa Coffe for know the history from Toraja Coffe.

 And  the next we are heading to Lakipadada and take a banner picture there.

And than continue the trip to Bambapuang in Enrekang Regency for coffe break.
And heading to Teras Empang Restourant For Lunch.

After heaving coffe break in Bambapuang we are heading to Traditional house in Pangkep Regency for know the carasteristic from the bugines house.

And late in the afternoon we are arrive in Makassar Tourism Polytechnic and Off The Tour Program.

I think that’s all from me I do apologize if I have some mistakes because there is nobody perfect in this world …

Wassalam J
Thank you …

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4-5TH 2019
Advisor :

-          Dra. Margaretha W. Rante, M.Si

-          Atriana Djabbar, A.Md, S.ST.Par, MM.Par

Tour Leader :

-          Sardika Saenong

-          Mochhammad Faudyrga

Participant :

-          All Of Student Upw 3B

Vendor : PT. Mitra Selaras

Driveer : Alimuddin

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
My name is NINA AMALIA AMAN from Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar Majoring Tour and Travel Busines and now I will Story Telling about my experience in my Marine Tour In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach.
Lets start it .....  

First day we are gathering on the campus Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar for absensions and get id card and baggage tag. Beside that we also get instruction from advisor and tour leader. After that we are get in on the bus for go to Dutungan Iland and we use vendor from PT. Mitra Selaras for company our Marine Tour. And on the bus our friends be our guide for gave more information for us. On the bus we have advisor for gave rating and instruction how to be a good guide and how to be gave more a good information for us.

And than on the bus we get refreshment for breakfast because we has to long way for the day. Inside our refreshment is some Breat and traditional cake from south Sulawesi.

Finaly we are arrive in the first tourist attraction in south Sulawesi specialy in Barru City, the name of the tourist attraction is Dutungan Island, and in there our supervisor gave us some information and instruction about the ruls and what will we do in Dutungan Island.

And than we are cross from Tanjung Indah Dock to Dutungan Island by Boat, and the name of the boat is Putri Dutungan, From Tanjung Indah Dock cross to Dutungan Island it’s about 3-5 minutes because the distance Dutungan Island near from Tanjung Indah Dock.

In Dutungan Island we change our clothes because we already to Diving and Snorkeling but before that we get information about Diving and Snorkeling From the Instructur abd the Most important thinks from instructor is “ NEVER DIVE ALONE” if some of you dive alone we don’t know what will happen in down there. And than instructor gave information how to breathe if we use the divingequipment. Because the risk posed if an error occurs Is very dangerous and danger.

And we has to devide who is diving and who is snorkeling because of limited tools.

And I never thought when my turn arrived and it turns out I was a beginner among my other friends I was a beginner who reached a depth of 12,1 meters below sea level then the instructor said You are good at understanding techniques and that is one of my pride in myself.

After snorkeling and diving we are going to Delima Hotel in Pare-pare for take a rest.

And we has dinner in Ayam Penyet Ria it is near from delima hotel. After dinner we are gwer presentation K3 in Delima Hotels Hall. And than the presentation has finish and we has to take a rest.
That’s all my story telling in day one and the next I will continue in day two. 

Day 2 at 06.00 oclock we has morning exercise in front of Delima hotel and wall around in pare-pare city. We are visit in Monumen Cinta Sejati Habibi dan Ainun and take a picture there and back to hotel for breakfast and prepare for go to the next Tourist attraction in Paputo Beach.

In paputo beach I had a turn to guide the tour and explain what is available in Paputo Beach.

Day 2 at 06.00 oclock we has morning exercise in front of Delima hotel and wall around in pare-pare city. We are visit in Monumen Cinta Sejati Habibi dan Ainun and take a picture there and back to hotel for breakfast and prepare for go to the next Tourist attraction in Paputo Beach.

In paputo beach I had a turn to guide the tour and explain what is available in Paputo Beach.

Thankyou …

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